===== Bazaar - Revision Control Software ===== Tool per il versionamento dei sorgenti/documenti in genere. Homepage: http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/ ==== Start a new Project ==== Import iniziale dei sorgenti, in modo ricursivo da //root_dir_sorgenti//: cd root_dir_sorgenti bzr init bzr add bzr commit -m "Initial import" Nuova revisione: cd root_dir_sorgenti bzr commit -m "Revisione 1" ==== Add comandi Bazaar in Visual Studio 10 ==== === Status - Show all modified files === *In VS open **Tools->External Tools**, then **Add** *For the program, browse to the Bazaar directory and select //bzr.exe// *Name the command //Bazaar Status// *For Initial directory, type $(TargetDir) *For arguments, type //status// *Flag //Use Output Windows// so the output should be directed to the VS output window === Single Source Difference === *In VS open **Tools->External Tools**, then **Add** *For the program, browse to the Bazaar directory and select //tbzrcommand.exe// *Name the command //Bazaar Current Source Difference// *For arguments, type //--command=diff --file=$(ItemPath)// *Flag //Use Output Windows// so the output should be directed to the VS output window === Commit Revision === *In VS open **Tools->External Tools**, then **Add**. *For the program, browse to the Bazaar directory and select //bzr.exe// *Name the command //Bazaar Commit Revision// *For arguments, type //commit -m "Some Revision Comment"// *For Initial directory, type $(TargetDir) *Flag //Prompt for arguments// *Flag //Close on Exit// *Flag //Use Output Windows// so the output should be directed to the VS output window === RollBack Revision === *In VS open **Tools->External Tools**, then **Add** *For the program, browse to the Bazaar directory and select //bzr.exe// *Name the command //Bazaar RollBack Revision// *For arguments, type //uncommit// *For Initial directory, type $(TargetDir) *Flag //Prompt for arguments// *Flag //Close on Exit// *Don't flag //Use Output Windows//, because you have to confirm the opertation in Command Prompt